Ah, feels so good to be back here!

For the past week, I had to live without internet at home due to some connection problems. The staff at our local PLDT know me by name now, it's funny. IDK what caused it, but I spent a week without the internet.

It was oddly peaceful. There's so much you can do when you're not constantly wired in to social media.

I wrote more. Took photos more. Read more. Did more. And suddenly it didn't matter much if I got to post something on Instagram or Facebook, or how many people would like it. I felt more focused, somehow. Made me realize that there is a world beyond our screens. Social media may be an outlet for sharing, but what's it's purpose if you've no experiences to share in the first place?

Oddly, the disconnection made me connect to my surroundings more. It was an epiphany.

As I write this, Valentine's Day approaches. I don't like the holiday much--- I think there's too much fuss around it, but I hope you have a memorable one! I hope you don't forget to connect with the people around you, for real. :)

Speaking of connection, we're actually looking for people who want to share their travel stories with us! Think of it as an awesome guest post! Would you wanna try and give it a go? Email me @ kristiana.rule@gmail.com.

I'll be waiting! :)

That's it for now, I guess.

Have a great week, loves. :)

K x

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