Welcome-2016-Please-Be-Good-To-Me Post


Like how the blog looks? I thought a revamp was in order. New year and all that. I didn't want you to think that I was a slob.

Well, I am. I spent the better of four hours trying to get that in order, because I am picky and I am OC and bless my poor heart, I don't know shite about code. I had my glasses stepped up the next day because of too much glare. Haha. 

(Really, I did. I got new prescription glasses the next day.)

I hope you like it, because I like it. It's so clean, clean. Still tryna adjust the size of the photos in some posts, some of them are weird :)

Anyway, this was supposed to be my big Welcome-2016-Please-Be-Good-To-Me post. Why I waited 13 days to post my New Year's message speaks volumes of me. I'm always approximately 15 minutes late to everything. Even in life itself, it looks like. ;)

So, I write this with a churning stomach; I haven't had breakfast yet and I swear, I am starving. But for once, I want to write something that's not rehearsed and rehashed and rechecked. 2015 was such a great year for me. 2014 was a hard year to beat (it was the Year of Adventure), but it turned out that 2015 was actually even better. I got better. I grew up. It was the year I finally said yes to things and dear Lord, it was awesome.

Every year, I would write down the most memorable events. 2015 was the year I finally listed down things that I made happen, instead of just things that happened to me over the course of 365 days. It was a year of opportunity, new friends, a new world, and perhaps a new niche. I bought a camera, went to shoots, went places and learned new things. 2015 was the year of choices, of homecomings and of realizations. It was awesome. God was awesome. Always is, always will be. And even when there were bumps along the way, He has always provided. Blessed, so blessed.

Perhaps 2015 would be remembered as the year I stopped being a sissy. Maybe it's the year I finally womaned up, and for that I am thankful. . :)

I hope this year turns out to be the best one yet.

God bless you and your new year, even if it's already 13/366.


Krish :)

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