Writing Services

There are only two other pages in this little blog of mine, and if you're here instead of the about page, it could only mean one thing:

You need a writer. Badly.

Well, the stars have aligned for you my friend, because you've stumbled into the right place.

As a content marketer and creator, I eat SEO and all manner of digital content creation strategies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Well, that's kind of an overkill. I usually have cake and tea for dinner if I can help it.

The guys at Digital Marketer have gladly bestowed upon me certifications in Content Writing, Email Marketing, E-commerce, and Social Media Management. No, that's not right, either. I paid for those certifications in blood, sweat, tears and brain cells.

As a content writer, I have collaborated and produced quality articles for several websites and blogs, among them:

On top of that, I write content for niche sites based in the US and New Zealand. Don't you just love the feeling of outranking competitors on a SERP, especially for competitive keywords? I know I do.

Emails that drive conversions? Can do.

Scripts for Youtube videos? Easy-peasy lemon squeezy.

But don't just take my word for it. I can send you my full portfolio (including the numbers), or you can take the scenic route and peruse my LinkedIn page at your leisure.

If you need a no-frills freelance writer that can produce fresh high-quality content that drives traffic and increases conversions, I'm your girl.

I specialize in travel, lifestyle, survival, outdoors, health and wellness niches. I also do social media consultations, brand collaborations, and speaking engagements.

For rates and other inquiries, you can reach me through my email address at kristiana.rule@gmail.com. Don't be shy--- if you need to scale your business with solid content (and you DO, trust me), we definitely have to sit down for a (Skype) chat. 

Talk soon!  


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