Hello and welcome to the blog, post-Sinulog!

The weekend has been rife with festivities, parades, incessant rain and...arrests to shut down rowdy revelers. The city government's attempts to curb any rowdy kids is so efficient and funny, if Mayor Tom's Facebook posts are any indication. Kudos, city government! It may have been seen as KJ by some party-goers but you gotta commend the city for keeping the safety of the public in mind.

 I've never been a fan of big parties, myself. 

There were those gigs at Paseo when we were younger. Paseo doesn't exist anymore, LOL. There were nights at IT Park, some late night drives here and there, a few drinks with friends. There was one odd Sinulog where I found myself in Baseline and...well, you know how that went. If not, you can read it here instead. But there were nights out.

These days, my wildest night out is when I step out of the office to buy matcha milk tea at 2:30 am. 

Most of my peers have laid low this year, too. Yeah, there were still raves and paint faces, but there were more of us who stayed at home or out of town, keeping the poster paint at an arms length. Whilst some spent some cake time with Aoki, some of us also spent time with their kids. As in offspring.

Is it true? Have we really...outgrown the partying phase? Have we transformed into,,,the #titasofcebu?

Me and mine have stayed at home for the first time in years, even forgoing the annual fireworks display in favor of...going to the grocery store. What is happening?! 

Is this what you call...growing up?!

I guess that's what you call choosing. To not party. And do other things. If you want to party, then go ahead. No one's really stopping you, even if you're, like, 40. What I realized is that, sometimes you get tired of being jostled by people, or walking. Sometimes it's nice to bu groceries while other kids are out in Mango wreaking havoc. You're not missing out, if you choose not to miss out. :)

Here's to the wild nights we used to have!

Have a great week, kids,


K x 

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